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Everything to Lose Page 15

  Elaine reported that she had told Professor Wood that the Home Office required an update on the status of Jemard P Edmond. She said Wood reported back that Jemard was training with a new coach on mountain roads in Europe and that he was in regular contact with Professor Buzzwall. She concluded that either he was lying or being lied to. Elaine said she would try to find another way to increase the pressure.

  Zoe asked Rolley to give an update on his progress. Rolley had been tasked to sound out other academics for concerns or suspicions about the Department of Sports Biology and join the cycling club.

  Rolley said the Physics staff didn't consider Sports Biology staff to be real scientists, didn't mix with them, didn't attend Sports Biology seminars and wouldn't dream of collaborating with them. He said he didn't get anything useful from his Physics colleagues.

  He said he had joined the cycling club and had been to six road-training sessions. He found out that a top cyclist in the club called Philip Pallston was openly supplying drugs and blood doping to amateur and professional cyclists, including Jemard Edmond. Rolley said he heard others mention Oliver Mansole as a person who could supply drugs.

  "What kind of drugs?" Alan Cairn asked.

  Rolley said they were sports drugs such as growth hormone, steroids and EPO. He also reported that the physio room in the sports club was set-up for blood doping and that Phil Pallston had offered to train Rolley on how to dope his own blood.

  Rolley reported hearing a lot of excited talk that Jemard's new designer drug that gave racers a great finishing edge and that some racers were keen to try it out. He said that with Zoe's approval he had bought drugs form Phil to gain his confidence and planned to ask Phil for a supply of the new drug.

  He placed packets of testosterone vials on the table. He said Phil was still wary but he expected he would supply. Rolley said he wanted to make a second drugs purchase to increase his credibility as a buyer. He said he'd told Phil he was preparing for a regional road race. Alan Cairn confirmed that if it was necessary he should proceed. They all laughed when Rolley said that he couldn't ask for a receipt.

  "Good work Rolley. Obtain a sample of the new drug for analysis," Alan said.

  "If Oliver Mansole is dealing and Jemard's death is drug related. Is that not a matter for the drug squad?" Zoe asked Alan.

  "Yes if it's as simple as that. To protect the University's reputation we must be certain that University staff and research facilities are not being used to design illegal drugs."

  "Gavin what progress have you made?" Zoe asked.

  Gavin Shawlens reminded them that he'd been tasked to infiltrate the Sports Biology Department, evaluate their research publications, look for links to research student Jemard Edmond and technician Oliver Mansole and join the judo club.

  He reported that his integration into the Sports Biology research community was going well. He had given a seminar and met all of the key researchers in the department. He told the team that as lead scientist he had evaluated the research publications and agreed with CASTER that the eight identified research papers were based on fake results probably provided by an unknown commercial partner.

  "Good I'll let CASTER know that you agree. What convinced you?" Alan asked.

  "They have neither the equipment nor the staff expertise to generate the results they have published. When I quizzed Dr Griffan about some of the results she was confused, clammed up and referred me to Prof Buzzwall. I am certain Buzzwall's group didn't produce the results in these papers and worse Griffan doesn't even understand them."

  "In layman's terms what have they been up to?" Alan asked.

  Gavin Shawlens told them about the energy molecule ATP that supplies packets of energy for all work done in the body. Each ATP molecule carries three packets of energy. Each packet is released in a controlled sequence to enable efficient recycling. He said Suzie Griffan told him they had developed a method to release all three packets of energy from ATP in one shot so muscles receive three times the energy and work much harder.

  "Is it possible?" Alan asked.

  "Theoretically you can release all three energy packets. It's far from normal to do it in one go. They have reported spectacular improvements in sports performance attributed to their product providing an energy boost."

  "Is it safe to release that amount of energy?" Rolley asked.

  "Yes. I think the body adapts to the surplus by producing additional heat."

  "I understand. Is there any news on the location of Oliver Mansole?" Alan interrupted to head off an academic discussion.

  "The students in my tutorial group know him. One of them is arranging for me to meet his aunt. He believes she is hiding him."

  "His name?" Alan asked.

  "Tyler Wattsin, final year student."

  "Anything from the judo club?"

  "I've not joined that yet. I've had a lot of teaching to prepare in the evening. Also I'm following up another lead," Gavin said defensively.

  "What other lead?"

  Gavin Shawlens told them about his meeting with Laraine McSwann. He told them her husband Bob McSwann provided personal training for the University sports clubs including cycling. He added that Robert McSwann and Oliver Mansole were close friends and that Bob McSwann had left the family home suddenly nine months ago. He said Laraine McSwann had told him Oliver Mansole was a drugs supplier and that Professor Buzzwall and two thugs had questioned Laraine about Mansole and his stash of drugs.

  "I looked into Mr McSwann as Gavin requested but I'm not sure where this fits in this jigsaw," Elaine said.

  "Robert McSwann was Jemard Edmond's trainer. Given Rolley's comment about blood doping in the cycling club; I think McSwann was involved. Jemard is dead and McSwann is missing. His friend Oliver Mansole has disappeared. It's all too much for a coincidence. I think if we get Robert McSwann he might tell us more about what Jemard was doing and explain why he was killed. He might also lead us to Oliver Mansole."

  "Buzzwall has shown his hand and it's looking decidedly dirty. If there is a link between Buzzwall and the supply of sports drugs then we have to open that up. Now we're making progress," Alan said.

  A proud smiled slipped onto Zoe's face. Good for you she thought.

  "Sir, can you begin a location search for Robert McSwann? Elaine will send you his details."

  "Okay Zoe I'll get that moving. I have a question for the academics. Do we have a solid backfire in the Department of Sports Biology?"

  "Gavin?" Zoe asked him to lead.

  Zoe saw in Rolley's face he was unprepared so she pushed it first to Gavin.

  "I believe so. The Department has no expertise for complex biochemical work and didn't do the research work that was published. They have a commercial collaborator who I think gave them a fantastic set of results but I think the provenance is dubious.

  I searched the University's ethics approval committee minutes and Home Office ethics approvals. Staff in Sports Biology have never applied for or received ethics approval for studies on energy or ATP in human subjects. That means trials were conducted on human beings without ethics approval.

  If they launch their product 80PGen using the University's prestige and credibility and it is found to be based on illegal and dubious research then that will backfire on the University big time," Gavin said confidently.

  "Thanks for that Gavin. Follow up the Wattsin and McSwann leads. I will let Zoe know when I have a location for Robert McSwann. Try and find time to join the judo club. There might be similar stories to the cycling club," Alan said.

  "If necessary I'll join the judo club," Zoe said.

  "Rolley," she handed over to him.

  "I can't comment on ATP or the assessment given by Dr Shawlens. It's not my area but I am certain there is a strong sideline running sport drugs and blood doping from the cycling club. If University staff are abusing their position for illegal gain then criminal charges will damage the University's reputation. That's how it looks to me at the moment. I need more evidence
before I can say the University is complicit in this activity."

  "Thanks Rolley. You push on with the cycling club angle and see what falls out. We need to know if the University has plausible deniability or not," Alan said.

  "That's good Rolley," Zoe said and softly patted his arm.

  "Well done all of you and thanks for this catch-up. First class work. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this quickly. Then we can all get back to our day jobs. Good night."

  As Zoe Tampin returned her phone to normal mode she echoed Alan Cairn's praise and she felt proud of her team. Their performance reflected well on her as team leader. It's one thing leading a troop of soldiers or agents who will do exactly what they are told. A very different thing trying to lead a group of academics who question everything and frequently don't do what they're told to do.

  At her first briefing Alan Cairn warned Zoe that leading a team of academics was worse than herding cats. Alan had already congratulated Zoe on her team's progress and in particular he commended Zoe for successfully managing Gavin Shawlens in his fragile state of mind.


  Southsea, Hampshire

  Gavin Shawlens sat in his silver Honda Civic car and grew more and more frustrated. He had arranged to meet Tyler Wattsin at 7.00 p.m. in the car park of the Old Bards Club, at the end of Elm Grove, Southsea. While he waited he tried to reset the car digital clock, which had lost more than two minutes.

  Doggedly he tried numerous sequences of buttons on the dash audio system to try and change the time on the clock. The car manual was in the glove compartment but he gave up in frustration. He picked up his newspaper and resumed work on a crossword.

  After sixteen minutes of watching patrons and their cars come and go in the car park Gavin checked the time and prepared to leave when Tyler opened the passenger door and slipped into the seat. He offered a lame excuse for being late.

  Gavin caught a blast of halitosis from his breath as they faced each other. There are six hundred types of bacteria in the average mouth. Tyler's bacteria were working double shifts to produce the foulest smell. Tyler wore the same shell suit he had on each occasion Gavin had met him or seen him around the University.

  In the confined space of Gavin's car Tyler's body odour quickly asserted itself. Gavin guessed rotten socks cooking in sweaty trainers plus strong meaty underarm sweat had produced a pungent cocktail. From the sweat dripping from his brow he'd been running. Even the obnoxious halitosis retreated into the background.

  "What's the point of crosswords?" Tyler said looking at Gavin's crossword.

  "Have you ever tried one?"

  "No way man. Mega boredom alert."

  "Try it. Try this one. Four down, name of an area in north America, where most people speak French, six letters?"

  "Don't know it."

  "Begins with Q," Gavin encouraged.


  "How did you pass the University's entrance requirements?"

  "Man I'm like, a special case, I didn't need exams. I'm doing like, a social inclusion access programme thing, because I'm like, disadvantaged. S'what the old weird woman said anyway."

  "I can see that. Okay, better tell me about Oliver's aunt."

  Tyler said Oliver Mansole's aunt owned the Old Bards Club. Her name was Mrs McVickin. It was a substantial members-only pub and restaurant with a large well-lit car park. The car park was three quarters full with good quality cars, which Gavin took to mean well respected and popular. Gavin noticed a large old-looking factory building attached to the back of the Club.

  Gavin thought the factory would be a perfect place for Oliver Mansole to hide out. Gavin planned how he would convince Oliver's aunt to let him meet Oliver. He relished the thought Zoe would be pleased with his detective skills if he met and questioned Oliver Mansole.

  When they left Gavin's car they walked off in opposite directions. Gavin headed for the front entrance, Tyler headed for the rear. Gavin stopped and called Tyler to ask where he was going. For a few seconds Tyler hesitated then hurried to catch-up with Gavin. Tyler confessed that Mrs McVickin was a hard woman with a hatchet face who didn't tolerate fools and he gave an exaggerated facial expression to mean himself.

  The front of the Club was an impressively decorated rectangular building with a main entrance in the centre. When they entered the building they were met by a smartly dressed doorman checking Club memberships, dinner reservations and 'acceptable' patrons for the bar. He smiled and shook his head at Tyler. The doorman was over six foot with Mr Universe muscles filling his suit to capacity.

  Tyler told the doorman that Lisa McVickin was expecting Dr Gavin Shawlens. The doorman used his hand-held walkie-talkie to speak to the office. Two minutes later a sprightly young woman in a trim eye-catching bar staff uniform of white short-sleeved shirt, black bow tie, dark wine-coloured waistcoat and black knee-length skirt arrived and invited Gavin to follow her. She had a strong and smooth Polish accent. She told Tyler there was a drink waiting for him around the back and he scampered out the front door.

  The restaurant on the left-hand side was busy with well-dressed waiters and waitresses attending tables. Gavin glimpsed some appealing food on trays that swept past him. Many guests were chattering, laughing and enjoying themselves. It was a good atmosphere and Gavin felt safe and secure.

  The smell of good food stimulated his digestive juices and an involuntary licking of his lips. He followed the Polish woman as she turned right towards the bar and almost diagonally across the bar to a small office in the corner.

  The bar was quieter and the atmosphere more reserved with people having a drink before their meal. Gavin's attention was drawn to dance music beyond the bar. He looked through a large door opened by a barman for a waiter carrying a large tray of empty glasses. He saw a large dark room with four female pole dancers on a stage gyrating under a very large slowly rotating mirror ball. The room looked very busy.

  The office door was open. Inside a woman and two large men were deep in conversation. The Polish woman introduced Gavin Shawlens to Lisa C McVickin and her brothers. Identical twins Jim L McVickin and Jamie T McVickin. The Polish woman asked Gavin Shawlens if he would like anything to drink. He saw that the McVickins weren't drinking so he declined. She returned to the bar.

  When they sat down Lisa apologised for not allowing his grubby friend into the restaurant. Gavin explained that Tyler was one of his students and not a friend. He agreed that the sight and smell of Tyler Wattsin would put anyone off their meal. The four of them seemed happy to have got over that minor difficulty. Gavin looked out to the bar and complimented them with his favourable impressions of their Club.

  Lisa McVickin was forty-five years old and no more than five foot five inches tall with a rich looking blonde mid-neck length bop and dark-rimmed glasses. Dwarfed by her younger brothers who were over six foot she was nevertheless a dominating figure of a woman.

  She was overweight with a puffy round face but carried it well except that her neck skin formed a solid turkey wattle under her chin. She carried a walking stick to help push up from chairs and settees although she didn't need it for walking.

  As head of the McVickin family she was sharp-eyed, confident and dressed in a dark blue tailored dress with a gold necklace and matching earrings. Half a dozen gold bangles on her wrist jangled and tinkled when she used her hands to emphasise a point.

  Since her twenties Lisa McVickin had been pivotal in providing smart counsel for her family and they had complete faith in her. Everything she had done for the family businesses had worked out very well. The McVickins were very wealthy.

  She took control shortly before her father died from cirrhosis of the liver caused by continuous hard drinking. Before her rise to head of the family she had been less glamorous, frumpier with dumpy fat legs. In those days she glared at people with her beady raven-like dark eyes made more unsettling by thick glasses. She wore baggy clothes, school-type shoes, cheap makeup and did her own hair.

  Lisa was always a d
emanding force in the family. Her younger brothers were happy when she became the family boss. Now Lisa looked high class with coloured, coiffeur-styled hair and a top fashion wardrobe. She was a ferocious and intimidating businesswoman likely to breathe fire if she didn't get what she wanted.

  Both Jim and Jamie McVickin were large muscular men with broad shoulders who worked out regularly. They both shaved their heads bald to have the Bruce Willis look, wore near identical expensive hand tailored suits but different shirts and ties.

  They both had striking blue eyes and impish smiles. Expensive watches and gold wrist chains defined their wealthy background. Their good looks, good clothes, top cars and money attracted many female admirers. Neither of them was married.

  Lisa took control of their upbringing from their early teens. She kept them off alcohol and drugs so they were always smart, alert and intimidating. She decided how they would lead their lives and the jobs they would take.

  Jamie with more brawn than brain learned the ropes in the family business as a bouncer and doorman. When he was ready Lisa helped him built and manage a group of thirty-eight heavies for personal, door and major venue security known as JamVic Security Ltd.

  No criminals in their right mind would consider any transgression at an event covered by JamVic Security. Local police regularly commended JamVic Security for ensuring low levels of crime at clubs and venues under their security management.

  Jim was much smarter and Lisa shaped his career in a different direction. She made major sacrifices at critical points in his development to ensure his success and rapid promotion in a system rewarded by high profile victories that she created for him.

  Lisa got down to business. Gavin listened and watched her face. Her deadpan look and cold gravelly voice intimidated him. Tyler told the McVickins Gavin was looking for Oliver and Lisa told Gavin that she and JimJam as she called her twin brothers were looking for Oliver. Gavin had primed himself ready with questions he wanted to ask but he soon realised he was being interrogated.