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Everything to Lose Page 8

  "Right. Tell him to hold. I'll be along in one minute."

  Kevin threw the grant application in Jonathon's face, turned and walked to the door while demanding a corrected application on his desk first thing in the morning. Jonathon mouthed bastard as he stooped to pick the scattered papers up from the floor.

  As Kevin walked along the corridors toward the Department office, he reflected on his association with Dr Georgi Kremova. Almost three years ago, after he gave a conference seminar, Kevin was approached by Dr Georgi K Kremova and Dr Petko F Dimitrov of BRTKPharma, Bulgaria.

  They congratulated him on his excellent research work and proposed a joint academic-industry project to apply for a European Union research grant. They had partners in the Czech Republic and needed a UK partner to complete the minimum three-nation requirement for European Union exploratory research funding. The EU was keen to develop new industry in Bulgaria and enable them to access UK academia so the project was funded for two years.

  The project had two stages and the first aimed to enhance understanding of energy demands in sport as a foundation for a new sports energy drink. The second stage moved to a product development using natural ingredients in a formula that would improve energy availability for muscles to increase muscle output.

  The work had gone well. BRTKPharma had a wealth of good data that provided strong direction and ultimately proved successful. The Bulgarians decided to take a back seat and allow Professor Kevin Buzzwall to take credit for the launch of the new product 80PGen. There was one drawback.

  One of the essential components in 80PGen was volatile and so the product was produced as a drink in fifty ml sealed vials rather than standard retail bottles. Using a safe-break seal to access the 80PGen drink gave 80PGen an air of pharmaceutical kudos that added credibility.

  Buzzwall and Kremova argued constantly about publication of the BRTKPharma research results. Georgi Kremova was strongly against publication and worried about theft of the formula. Buzzwall convinced him that publications would add great credibility to the product. More important the publications added to the research esteem of Professor Kevin Buzzwall.

  When Kevin arrived in the office he found Gavin Shawlens speaking to Kate. A postgraduate research student was sitting at Kate's desk to write out an expenses reclaim form. Kevin took the handset from Kate and gave her a disapproving look.

  In the old days he would have had his own direct access phone capable of making and receiving international calls. One of the disadvantages of having many international students is that they like to phone home. He was annoyed Kremova had phoned the office but Kremova refused to pay international mobile phone charges.

  "Carter get back to the lab right now you incompetent imbecile," he shouted at the student.

  He turned to Kate and Gavin Shawlens and said.

  "Clear the room. This call is highly confidential."

  Kate gathered some paperwork and headed along the corridor to the photocopier. Gavin Shawlens followed while Kevin closed the door behind them.

  "Arrogant man. Is he always like that?" Gavin asked.

  "Phew! That's nothing. You should hear him on a bad day."

  In the photocopier room Kate told Gavin about the monster known as Kevin Buzzwall. She said he was a renowned bully, mostly to his own research staff but occasionally to secretarial and technical staff. She recalled her own dressing-down experience when Buzzwall had returned an expenses cash advance to her. It was short £5 so she informed him over the telephone.

  He came straight to the office in a rage and balled her out in front of staff and students making out she had lost the money. She was too distraught to argue with him. She made up the shortfall from her own purse for a man on five times more salary than her.

  She said Kevin's research staff call their weekly research meetings, 'research beatings'. He likes to single out one or two for sharp humiliation. He will ask them about some obscure procedure just as an excuse to put someone down. Woe betides anyone who dares ask him an awkward question.

  She told Gavin, in confidence, there was a complaint sitting on the Head's desk from one of Buzzwall's postdocs. He's been applying like mad for a new job and getting no interviews. He couldn't understand why he was getting nowhere. His PhD research was well received and generated six good publications in excellent journals.

  Then at a conference he met a professor from one of the universities he had applied to for a job. Over a drink the professor told him he didn't get an interview because Buzzwall had written a damning reference. Kevin is refusing to let the postdoc leave Kate said.


  "Have you found him?" Georgi Kremova asked accusingly.

  His voice Eastern European with slightly clipped English.

  "No," Kevin replied.

  "Why not?"

  "I don't know. He's not at work. No-one has seen him. I've told your people all that I know."

  "Did they find missing product?"

  "They recovered ten blister packs in his house. Six packs are still missing."

  "If he sells our product to other company we are finished," Georgi raised his voice.

  "Nonsense Georgi. I'd sue any company for patent infringement."

  "Professor Buzzwall there is no patent."


  "Not yet."

  Kevin Buzzwall struggled to speak as if Shrek's big green hand had grabbed him by the throat. The University Research and Commercial Development Office insisted on a patent when they met with BRTKPharma to sign contracts.

  The URCD Office obtained Government enterprise funding to finance the patent application. Georgi Kremova told Kevin the patent had been filed and approved. Money had transferred from the URCD Office to BRTKPharma.

  "What about the patent money?"

  "Product is unique. Patent is formality for later. Focus on Mansole. Help my men find him," Georgi demanded.

  "JEESUS I've done that. I gave Ivan the name and address of the student he was with before he disappeared. He questioned her but he got nothing."

  "NO BUTS. You must find Mansole."

  "I'VE DONE ALL I CAN," Kevin shouted back.

  "Not enough."

  "LOOK Georgi. I need to speak to Jemard. Is he there in Prague with you?" Kevin changed tack.

  "What do you want?"

  "The University is asking questions about his fees. When will he resume his project? He has a progress report to submit."

  "Jemard is very busy. He's touring country with elite cyclists. Participating in new trials. Gathering vital research data. You pay his fees. You submit his progress report."

  "Huuggh. Right. How are trials progressing?"

  "Very good news. Free samples we distribute across Europe are well received. Endorsements of 80PGen are wonderful. Soon money from sales will flood into accounts. Are you pleased?"

  "That's excellent," Kevin said.

  "Soon it will time for your Department to play next part in our success."

  "I am ready at this end. All endorsements, performance improvement data and personal statements have been written-up in a glossy product brochure. It is ready to go when you confirm the launch date."

  "Are you ready to become world famous millionaire?" Georgi asked.

  "Oh yes Georgi. I was born ready."

  "Then you make sure Mansole does not spoil party."

  "Okay I'll speak to the student. She'll tell me where he is."

  Kevin Buzzwall slowly put the receiver back on its cradle. Under his breath he cursed the Bulgarians for stalling the patent application. He decided not to tell Suzie Griffan or Lee Kwan about the patent delay. He made a mental note to avoid any contact with the URCD Office staff in case they asked for copies of patent approval documents.

  In truth he didn't understand the fuss about Oliver K Mansole. So what if Oliver took some product and sold it. The product would be on the market in a few weeks and everyone would be able to buy it. Getting the patent secured was much more important.

e only words from Georgi Kremova that mattered were still resounding in his ears. New endorsements were wonderful. Sales income would soon be flowing into his account. He grinned like a Cheshire cat when he stopped at the photocopier room to flick his hand at Kate, meaning he had finished his call get back to the office.


  Hampshire, England

  Rolley Morgan's family have been involved in cycling since his grandfather owned a cycle shop in Newcastle and took part in the August 1945 Victory Cycling Marathon from Brighton to Glasgow. His father and uncle were regular participants in Tour of Britain races in the 1960's and developed their cycling business into eight cycling centres across Scotland and the north of England.

  Of the two brothers Rolland and Raymond only Ray kept up the family tradition by competing in cycling races. Rolley had chosen an academic career and had less time for regular training. A personal choice that was a major disappointment for his family. They said Rolley was a more gifted cyclist.

  He could keep up with his brother during a race but he didn't have a strong finish. Rolley had never beaten his brother in an official race. It was a source of family ridicule and a running sore that Rolley hated.

  It was an easy task for Rolley to join the road cycling club based at the University Sports Centre and grounds at Rowlands Castle in Hampshire. He had all the correct gear and an expensive professional bike. He had an extensive knowledge and understanding of the British road cycling community. A strong community that proudly helped Great Britain to become a strong cycling nation with world class cyclists. Rolley's family were regarded as royalty in the cycle racing community.

  A far cry from the dark times at the end of the 19th century when cycle road racing was banned from main roads in Britain. A ban enforced harshly by police until the outbreak of World War II when attitudes to road cycle races changed for the better.

  Rolley rode a top class Pinarello Dogma 60.1 road bike and for two weeks after he joined the club many of the members admired his bike and discussed the features he liked most about his ride.

  At one of the break stops, out on a road in rural Hampshire, he gathered an audience of twelve road cyclists. They engaged in an intensive discussion about the merits of the asymmetric frame system for the chainstay on the Dogma bike, compared to most other bikes, with a single-sided drivetrain system.

  Others were more interested in the new Japanese carbon fibre 60HM1K used in the frame which was reported to be more rigid, lighter and more resistant to impact damage. Rolley had allowed some of the club members to have a ride and they enthused about the balance, the quietness and the satisfying feeling that all of the rider's power was being transferred into forward motion.

  Very quickly Rolley became a popular member of the club and one of his new friends confided that one of the prominent club members Phil W Pallston was the person to speak to if Rolley was interested in any under-the-counter supplies.

  It was not until the start of his second session that Rolley met final year PhD student Phil Pallston. Phil said in passing he knew Rolley's brother, not personally but he'd seen Ray at many race meetings up and down the country. The second time Phil spoke to Rolley was at a road stage stop and Rolley initiated a discussion about nutrition and sports drinks.

  Rolley looked uncomfortable, hobbled around and complained about foot and toe cramping and upper back pain. Tensing his feet and clawing his toes for long periods at a time caused his cramping. The upper back pain that he felt developed from his hunched posture and pushing his head down over the front wheel. A combination that caused flexing of his lumbar spine and shortening of the back of his neck.

  Phil asked Rolley what he took for pain relief and before long they were talking about steroids. Rolley told him that from time to time he used a little test for aches and pains. When Phil asked if he wanted any test Rolley told him he had his own testosterone supplier.

  Phil told him that his supply was pharmaceutical grade and not far eastern or European crap. Rolley agreed to take a sample of Phil's test for a trial. A few days later Rolley and Phil met up again at the first stage stop. Phil waited until Rolley was alone in the toilet before he spoke.

  "How are your aches and pains?" Phil asked.

  "Much better thanks. I've just got some finger tingling," Rolley replied.

  "If you don't mind me saying you lean forward too much."

  "I know, I know, too much weight on my hands. I feel more comfortable in that position. It's only when I stop I get the tingling."

  "What did you think of the trial?"

  "Excellent. Its better quality than I'm used to."

  "It's pharmaceutical grade. When you need more, just give me a nod."

  "Maybe next week. A month's supply."

  "No problem," Phil said.

  They sat down alone and a few of the others read from Phil's face that he was doing business so they left them alone. No-one likes other cyclists to know they are buying drugs although they all know that is what is going on with Phil. They sipped on their energy drinks and watched the other cyclists fussing over their bikes.

  "I was hoping to meet Jemard Edmond," Rolley asked.

  "Jemard?" Phil looked surprised.

  "Ray says he's an Olympic medal contender."

  "Yeah he's definitely got the legs. He needs to build up his stamina."

  "He's a club member?"

  "Oh yeah he is. He's doing a PhD in Sports Biology," Phil replied.

  "I haven't seen him at any meets."

  "No that's right. He's abroad at the moment doing the hard stuff, mountains and hills. I think it's something to do with his research. When he's back I'll introduce you."

  A large bunch of new cyclists drew into the stop so Phil and Rolley got up to fetch their bikes and move on. The stops can get very crowded when the weather is nice and all of the budding road racers surge like large waves down the road.

  Just before they pushed off, as they sat on their saddles with one leg on the ground for support, pulling on their gloves, Rolley decided to push his luck.

  "Do you have Jemard's number? I'd like to give him a call."

  "Why?" Phil asked and frowned.

  "I have sponsors looking for a good prospect for the next Olympics."


  "Yes if they sign him I'll get a finder's fee," Rolley said.

  "Okay I'll see what I can do."

  "One of the other guys was saying Jemard is testing a new supplement to improve his finish. A natural one that wouldn't fail drug testing."

  "Did he?" Phil sounded defensive.

  "You know I've never beaten Ray in a road race. I would give anything to get an edge. One chance to breeze past my brother at the finish."

  "It's true the guys in Sports Biology have a new product that's going to revolutionise sports supplements for all athletes. Jemard is racing up and down mountains in Europe testing it out. First looks are very good," Phil said.

  "Is it available?"

  "Only for people on the test regime. Trials have to be monitored and quantified. Before and after so improvement can be measured."

  "I'd really love to beat my brother and there's a regional road race coming up."

  "You're asking a lot Rolley. The stuff isn't cheap."

  "If I beat the hell out of my brother just once it will be worth whatever it cost."

  "This product is about to go on the market with a big launch event so at the moment it's a mega secret."

  "Understood. I'm not going to tell anybody how I beat my brother."

  "Okay, I suppose it won't do any harm for you to get a heads up. See me in the changing room when we get back," Phil said as he pushed off.


  Department of Sports Biology

  Two weeks into the semester and the October weather was becoming colder and wetter. Gavin Shawlens finally felt he knew his way around the attractive out-of-town campus in Waterlooville, Hampshire. Gavin and Zoe had settled into their flat and the domestic arrangements were workin
g well.

  As a treat she had taken him to a live London National Theatre performance of 'Coriolanus' in Portsmouth. In fact she had taken him to the cinema in Portsmouth to watch a live screening broadcast of Shakespeare's scorching tragedy of political manipulation and revenge. It was the first time he'd been to the theatre in the cinema and he was pleasantly surprised by the experience. She felt afterwards that he had 'warmed-up' a little more.

  Gavin had given Zoe a crash course on how to look convincing as research technician Christine Willsening. She thought it would be more difficult but research lab K416 was isolated from the main research building so contact with other technicians was limited. For much of each day she was in the lab on her own if Gavin Shawlens was elsewhere on campus. Sometimes to reduce the boredom she would find out where he was and go looking for him.

  Gavin Shawlens paused for a moment, checked his watch, 3.01 p.m., before he entered seminar room C233. In the room a group of senior students sounded as if they were having an argument. He had never met them before and wondered what they would be like.

  He strode confidently into the seminar room and the noise level dropped to a whisper. He scanned the faces sat around the table. It was a small room with one large window, a conference table and seating for eight. It was bright and well suited for small group tutorial meetings.

  "Am I in the right room here for the sports biology final year tutorial group E?" Gavin asked.

  "Yes," said the student nearest to him.

  "Hi everyone I'm Dr Gavin Shawlens. I'm a visiting lecturer from the University of Kinmalcolm," he said as he sat down.

  None of them looked interested or impressed enough to say anything.

  "I don't know any of you. Can we do a quick around the table. Tell me who you are and a little about your final year project."

  The students glanced nervously at each other to see who would speak first.

  "What's your name?" Gavin said to the girl beside him on his left.

  "I'm Rachel, Rachel L Boyd. My final year project is on the development of movement skills for netball. I'm working with a local school team. I have a national level two coaching qualification for netball. I want to coach netball professionally when I graduate," she said confidently.